Your coaches are an important part of your organization and not seldom the face of your organization. How they present themselves and therefore represent you is key to your organization.

It is crucial for an organization to retain their coaches. Coach retention provides essential continuity and consistency to athletes, support staff and team culture. Happy, well-functioning coaches are vital to the success of your organization. Scientific studies find that coaches who feel supported by their organization are performing better and more likely to stay. Investment in their professional development will help them to feel supported. The return on investment will be substantial: better functioning coaches, better results, and less coach resignations, less burnouts or temporary leaves and less costly coach replacements.

Business leaders have had coaches supporting them for decades. For sports the next frontier of performance lies in the development of the mind of the Head Coach. Support your coaches by providing them coaching and mentoring opportunities. This will improve their coaching ability and performance, their well-being, longevity and how they present themselves. A high-functioning head coach guarantees the improvement of your athletes and support staff. Make funds available in the coaches’ professional development budget for coaching and mentoring. Your organization will benefit!

Another important service I can provide to your organization is to give you as an organization advice or a second opinion on a coaching staff issue you may be trying to solve.

“What helped me the most as a coach was not only questioning the ideas I had myself but also discussing them with Bart and then standing behind my ideas and experiences with more self-confidence.
With Bart I felt at ease and was able to ask questions without feeling being questioned myself.”
André Unterdörfel, 2006-2015 Assistant-Coach National Team Germany, currently Development Coach at Sportschool Berlin speed skating.


  • Improved Coaching Performance

  • Improved athlete and support staff performance

  • Improved relationships between head coach, athletes, support staff and management

  • Increased retention of coaches

  • Increased retention of athletes and support staff

  • Better team dynamics

  • Improved organizational culture

  • Better results

  • Improved partnership possibilities

  • Better representation by your coaches of your organization

  • Increased stability of your organization

  • Financial gain, no fire and hire of any staff

  • Advice on a coaching situation you may have